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Frequently Asked Questions

How much will my cabinets cost?

Each space is unique and has its challenges; this makes it very difficult to quantify the cost of a project without a better understanding of the entirety of a build. We do not charge for consultation schedule your visit and free proposal by reaching out to us above. 

How long is the lead time?

In most circumstances our products have lead times ranging from 12-16 weeks delivery depending on the  time of year. 

Where are you located? And what are the hours?

We have 2 showroom locations, Manhattan we are located right down the block from the A&D Building on East 58th Street. The Brooklyn showroom is located in the Midwood area. Reach out to us to schedule a meeting. Our hours are super flexible with normal working hours from 10am-6pm.

Do you come to our house or project? 

In-home consultations are great and we can offer them, initially we would like to have you come tour the showroom so we can introduce you to the product. 

I saw a door… or I saw a color, can you make it for us?

It’s super common during our first meeting to share inspirational pictures of the “ideal” space, the simple answer is YES! We offer one-off custom doors and color matching finishes to our clients, our product line is very diverse and adaptable to most needs. Let's figure it out together!